Archive for "December, 2015"

BikeWorks Beach & Sport – Queens Marketplace

Big Island

Every Tuesday Morning: 
BikeWorks Beach & Sport – Queens Marketplace. Free fun road ride for cyclists of all levels at 8:30 a.m. Rental bikes available. Get Updates on all the BikeWorks activities on the Emily T Gail Show at under the lineup or visit Queens Marketplace, 69-201 Waikoloa Beach Rd., Waikoloa Village. For information about other community rides and/or bike routes call BikeWorks at (808) 886-5000.

Hui Holidays


Tuesday, December 1: 
Hui Holidays.  Celebrate the grand opening of Hui Holidays, a perfect opportunity to shop for exclusive treasures to share with family and friends. Surrounded by holiday decor of the dramatically decorated historic Kaluanui Estate, enjoy festive drinks and pupu, spirited music, entertainment, door prizes (Hui print calendar, class gift certificate, and more!) and an exciting selection of new and unique items from local artists and vendors. Tickets are $30.  Hui Noeau, 2841 Baldwin Ave., Makawao.  For tickets and information call (808) 572-6560 or visit