8th Annual Wa`a Kiakahi Hawaiian Canoe Sailing Festival
Friday – Sunday, May 31 – June 2:
8th Annual Wa`a Kiakahi Hawaiian Canoe Sailing Festival. On Friday, 3 p.m., witness arrival of the canoes on Ka`anapali Beach (Ka`anapali Beach Resort, 2525 Ka`anapali Pkwy., Lahaina) and the traditional Hawaiian welcome ceremony for 10 crews of the Hawaiian Sailing Canoe Association after completing a 30 mile race from Kahului Harbor. On Saturday, 10 a.m., take a Hawaiian sailing canoe ride on Ka`anapali Beach and “talk story” with members of the teams about celestial navigation and the history of the Hawaiian sailing canoes. On Sunday, 8:00 a.m., witness the canoe send-off and traditional Hawaiian farewell ceremony for 10 crews as they race from Ka`anapali to Molokai. For information call (808) 661-3271 or visit www.kaanapaliresort.com.