Wiliwili Festival
Saturday, September 26:
Wiliwili Festival. Celebrate Hawai’i’s native dryland forest and the wiliwili flowering season. The festival will offer educational workshops, tours, vendors, native plant sales, prizes, keiki activities, silent auction, great music, food and much more. The festival organizers ask that attendees please carpool, and if you opt to ride your bicycle you will receive a free t-shirt. Forest Preserve tours will be offered every hour, on the hour, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tours will begin at the stables and will be led by knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides and will showcase the flowering wiliwili trees, restoration work and a nursery. Waikoloa Stables in Waikoloa Village, 68-1936 Waikoloa Rd., Waikoloa. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free admission. For information call (808) 494-2208.