Augie T’s “A Summer 4 All” Comedy Show
Friday, September 8:
Augie T’s “A Summer 4 All” Comedy Show. Laugh until your sides ache, with one of Hawai`i’s favorite comedians. Augie T was named funniest comic in Hawai`i by the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and Midweek. His work has been recognized as best comedy show by Honolulu Magazine, topped the DVD sales charge, and won two Hawai`i Music Awards and two Na Hoku Hanahano awards. The opening act will be musician and songwriter Shawn Garnett (best known as Hawai`i Five-O’s Cousin Flippa). Hawai`i Theatre Center, 1130 Bethel St., Honolulu. 7:30 p.m. For tickets and information visit