Archive for "Maui"

True Hawaiian Spirit Celebration Ho`olaule`a – Island of Lana`i


Saturday, September 29:
True Hawaiian Spirit Celebration Ho`olaule`a – Island of Lana`i.
  Enjoy live entertainment; cultural demonstrations, free keiki activities, crafters and artisans and ‘ono food. Dole Park, Lana`i City, Island of Lana`i. 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Return to Maui from Lana`i on Expeditions Ferry at 9:15 p.m., with purchase of a $5 Festival Ribbon. Please reserve by calling Expeditions at (808) 661-3756.  For more information visit

Hawaiian Music Series


Thursday, September 27:
Hawaiian Music Series.
  Relax under the stars and enjoy a free concert featuring local musicians. Chairs are limited and blankets, mats, and low beach chairs are welcome. The Baldwin Home Museum is located in the heart of Lahaina, on the corner of Front and Dickenson Streets, Lahaina. 6 to 7:30 p.m.  For information call (808) 661-3262 or visit

Aloha Friday


Friday, September 21: 
Aloha Friday
at Queen Ka`ahumanu Shopping Center with Hawaiian cultural practitioners sharing their art with music and hula. Queen Ka`ahumanu Shopping Center, 275 W. Ka`ahumanu Ave., Kahului. 6 to 8 p.m.

Chinese Moon Festival


Saturday, September 22:
Chinese Moon Festival. 
Lahaina pays tribute to the island’s harvest of locally grown produce as well as honored traditions from China during its annual Moon Festival at the Wo Hing Museum and Cookhouse on Front Street. A display of colorful lanterns and offerings to the moon goddess provide the backdrop for teas served in the garden to the accompaniment of traditional music performed on the gu zheng harp. Families can enjoy cultural art activities like calligraphy and knot tying. Kids can learn how to make paper lanterns. Local artists will demonstrate painting the moon in honor of the festival, and youth will perform traditional fan and ribbon dances. Hear a talk on the history of moon festivals in China. Chinese food will be sold at the event, and traditional moon cakes will be available for sale all week. Free admission.  Wo Hing Museum, 858 Front St., Lahaina.  5 to 9 p.m.  For information call (808) 661-5553 or visit

Kulaia Ho`olaulea – A Molokai Canoe Festival


Friday, September 21:
Kulaia Ho`olaulea – A Molokai Canoe Festival
.  This festival celebrating Molokai canoe races will be held on the island of Molokai, in Kaunakakai Town.  Enjoy free Hawaiian music and other fine entertainment.  Made-on-Molokai arts and crafts, plus local food and drinks will be available for purchase.  Kaunakakai Town, Molokai. 5 to 10 p.m.

Pailolo Challenge 2018


Saturday, September 15: 
Pailolo Challenge 2018.
  A 26 mile race from DT Fleming Beach, Maui to Kaunakakai, Molokai. Paddlers gather from Hawai`i, USA Mainland, Canada, Australia and more to test themselves in excellent channel crossing conditions. Since its inception the race has caught on and considered to be the most consistent and most fun canoe race in Hawai`i.  DT Fleming Park, Lower Honoapi`ilani Rd. at Honoapi`ilani Hwy., Lahaina. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.  For information call (808) 893-2124 or visit

Festivals of Aloha Ho`olaule`a


Saturday & Sunday, September 15 & 16:
Festivals of Aloha Ho`olaule`a.
  Enjoy live entertainment, along with crafters and artisans.  Historic Banyan Tree Park, Front Street, Lahaina.  9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  For more information visit

Obon Dance & Festival – Hana


Saturday, September 8:
Obon Dance & Festival – Hana.
  The Obon tradition was brought to Hawai`i by Japanese immigrants and evolved into a social and cultural event, as well as a religious custom designed to honor ancestors through an evening of dance, music and merry-making.  Hana Buddhist Temple, Hana Fairgrounds (below Hana Ranch Store, 1 Mill St., Hana).  Dance 5 p.m.  For information call (808) 248-8888.

La `Ulu 2018 (Breadfruit Day)


Saturday, September 8:
La `Ulu 2018 (Breadfruit Day).
  This free community event will include food booths, breadfruit cooking demonstrations, Pacific `ulu varieties for sale, a multi-grower Hawaiian plant sale, free cultural activities, Hawaiian music and hula.  Foods and drinks for sale at this event will include `ulu horchata, Pono Pies, `ulu kalo burger on `ulu naan bread, Maui Tropsicles including `ulu flavors, vegetarian `ulu curry, `ulu hummus and `ulu chips, Insalata Italiana di `Ulu (Italian `ulu salad), `ulu pa`i`ai with coconut and tapioca wrapped in banana leaf, palaoa `ulu (`ulu flour) and umu ahi (fire pit) cooked whole `ulu.  Maui Nui Botanical Gardens, 150 Kanaloa Ave., Kahului. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information call (808) 249-2798 or visit

17th Annual Richard Ho`opi`i Leo Ki`eki`e Falsetto Contest


Saturday, September 8:
17th Annual Richard Ho`opi`i Leo Ki`eki`e Falsetto Contest.
  The competition showcasing Hawai`i’s finest amateur male falsetto performers. Contestants belt their most exquisite high-register voices in hopes of capturing the title of champion. Don’t miss a live performance by Richard Ho`opi`i, special guests and a tribute to Sheldon Brown. The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, 1Ritz Carlton Dr., Lahaina.  5:30 to 9:30 p.m.  Admission is $60 and includes buffet dinner, festival ribbon and entertainment.  For tickets and information visit Richard Ho`opi`i Leo Ki`eki`e Falsetto Contest