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Obon Dance & Festival
Manoa Koganji Temple
2869 Oahu Ave., Honolulu
Throughout the Month of August: Obon Dance & Festival. The Obon tradition was brought to Hawai`i by Japanese immigrants and evolved into a social and cultural event, as well as […]
First Friday at the Hawai`i State Art Museum
Hawai`i State Art Museum
250 South Hotel St., 2nd Floor, Honolulu
Friday, August 3: First Friday at the Hawai`i State Art Museum. Free, family-friendly evening at the Hawai`i State Art Museum. Galleries will be open late, with live entertainment. Seating will […]
Obon Dance & Festival
Waipahu Soto Zen Mission Taiyoji
94-413 Waipahu St., Waipahu
Throughout the Month of August: Obon Dance & Festival. The Obon tradition was brought to Hawai`i by Japanese immigrants and evolved into a social and cultural event, as well as […]