A Whale Tale
The Hi Brau Room
700 Queen Street, Honolulu, HI, United States
June 20, 2019: A Whale Tale. Wild Aloha Foundation presents "A Whale Tale" Pau hana fundraiser for the Whales & Pacific Whale Foundation June 20, 2019 | 5-8pm | The Hi Brau Room The goal of this fundraiser is to educate the community on our surrounding marine life (with a focus on the False Killer […]
ArT=Mixx: Mystic Groove
Yokouchi Pavilion & Courtyard
One Cameron Way, Kahului, HI, United States
Saturday, June 1, 2019: ArT=Mixx: Mystic Groove. The theme for this edition is MYSTIC GROOVE, is aligned with the current art exhibit, Wabi-Sabi by Sidney Yee. Featuring video projections by VISUAL ALCHEMY BY DOUGLAS DEBOER, music by DJ BLAKE RIZZO, and performances by LUCID FIRE, SHAMANIC JOURNEY, and SUSANNA SEAFIRE. This event is free and open to anyone 21 […]
Waikoloa Beach Resort
69-425 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States
June 30, 2019: KONA MARATHON, HALF MARATHON, QUARTER MARATHON & 5k RACES - WAIKOLOA BEACH RESORT. Featuring all four traditional races - Marathon, Half Marathon, Quarter Marathon & 5 K. An estimated 2,000 runners of all ages and abilities will be participating for prizes, health and enjoyment, and raising money for charities. The race will […]
Andy McKee
Blue Note Hawai`i
2335 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, HI, United States
June 02, 2019: Andy McKee will be performing at Blue Note Hawaii with 2 shows nightly at 6:30pm & 9:00pm. Andy McKee is among the world’s finest acoustic guitarists. He entertains both the eye and the ear as he magically transforms the steel string guitar into a full orchestra via his use of altered tunings, […]
Ni‘aulani Nature Walk
Volcano Art Center Niaulani Campus
19-4074 Old Volcano Rd, Volcano, HI, United States
June 3, 2019: Ni‘aulani Nature Walk. Guided nature walks through the rain forest at Niaulani are offered on Mondays at 9:30am. The one hour, free guided walks introduce individuals, families and groups to the most diverse, intact, and accessible, old-growth koa/’ohi’a rain forest remaining in the state. No reservations are required for groups of 5 or […]
Leitis In Waiting
Hilo Palace Theater
38 Haili St., Hilo, HI, United States
Monday June 3 & Tuesday June 4: Leitis In Waiting.Not Rated | 72 min Celebrate PRIDE at the Palace! Documentary by Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson & Kumu Hina Wong-Kalu Leitis in Waiting is a raw yet tender portrait of Joey Mataele and the Tonga leitis, an intrepid group of native transgender women fighting a rising […]
Aloha Wednesday Art Classes – Creative Arts at Niaulani
Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus
19-4074 Old Volcano Rd., Volcano Village, HI, United States
Every Wednesday: Aloha Wednesday Art Classes – Creative Arts at Niaulani. Join VAC in a series of visual art classes every Wednesday at Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus in Volcano Village. These weekly short classes focus on a wide range of visual art activities. Classes focusing on Lauhala Weaving with Ku‘uipo Kalahiki-Morales happen on June 5, […]
Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Concert
Napili Kai Beach Resort
5900 Lower Honoapiilani Road, Lahaina, HI, United States
Every Wednesday: Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Concert. Enjoy renowned slack key masters who are true ambassadors of their music, their culture and their land for an evening of traditional Hawaiian songs and authentic “talk-story”. June 5 - Mark Yamanaka ; June 12 - The All Star Show; June 19 - Guitar & Ukulele Masters […]
Twilight Summer Concert Series Featuring the Army Music 25th Infantry Division Band
Foster Botanical Garden
180 N. Vineyard, Honolulu, HI, United States
June 06, 2019: Twilight Summer Concert Series Featuring the Army Music 25th Infantry Division Band. This year's Twilight Summer Concert Series is here! The first concert will be on Thursday, June 6, featuring Army Music 25th Infantry Division Band. Enjoy a free admission between 4:30 – 7 p.m. The Twilight Summer Concert Series at the […]
An Evening of Tango with Pablo and Adrian
Hilo Palace Theater
38 Haili St., Hilo, HI, United States
THURSDAY June 6th: An Evening of Tango with Pablo and Adrian. An evening of Tango performances for piano and bandoneón, including a mini tango lesson in the lobby prior to the show! Dancing is encouraged during the second half of the concert. Tickets available now at the Box Office and ONLINE $20 General Admission in Advance $25 […]