Hinamatsuri Girl’s Day Festival

Ka`anapali Beach Hotel 2525 Ka`anapali Pkwy., Lahaina, HI, United States

Saturday, March 5:  Hinamatsuri – Girl’s Day Festival.  Hinamatsuri (Girl’s Day) is when people pray for the happiness and healthy growth of girls. Celebrate this tradition with a big brunch feast, Hinamatsuri doll collection, Maui Taiko drums, Japanese calligraphers and crafts, and more. Ka`anapali Beach Hotel, 2525 Ka`anapali Pkwy., Lahaina. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  […]

Kanikapila with Wes Awana and Friends

Volcano Art Center Niaulani Campus 19-4074 Old Volcano Rd, Volcano, HI, United States

Every Tuesday:  Kanikapila with Wes Awana and Friends.  Kanikapila jam sessions are open to all musicians.  Bring your own instrument and enjoy “garage style” jamming.  Volcano Art Center, Niaulani Campus, Great Room of the Admin Building, Volcanoes National Park. 5:30 to 7 p.m. Admission is free, donations are gratefully accepted. Park entrance fees may apply. […]


Slack Key Guitar Concerts

Princeville Community Center 4334 Emmalani Dr., Princeville, HI, United States

Tuesday Evenings: Slack Key Guitar Concerts.  Traditional Hawaiian slack key guitar and `ukulele concerts. March 5 – Honoring Raymond Kane; March 12 – Aloha Music of Hawai`i; March 19 –Hawai`i’s Cowboy Music; March 26 – Ahupua`a – Mountain to Sea. Free gift drawing.  Award winning traditional Hawaiian slack key guitar and ukulele concerts featuring songs […]

Free – $25

Weekly Tahitian Dance Camp

Kilauea Dance & Fitness 2321 Kolo Rd, Kilauea, HI, United States

Every Wednesday: Weekly Tahitian Dance Camp for girls 5-14yrs from 9:30am-12:30pm at Kilauea Dance & Fitness. Girls will learn traditional and contemporary dance, a song and its meaning, and with camps of 6 or more, Uncle Tepairu Manea will teach Tahitian drum rhythms.  The camp will finish with a Hawaiian craft.  Reservations required. $55, includes […]


Maui Humane Society’s Beach Buddies Visitor Program

Maui Humane Society Shelter 1350 Mehameha Loop, Puunene, HI, United States

Every Wednesday and Thursday:  Maui Humane Society’s Beach Buddies Visitor Program. Do you miss having a dog to spend your day with? Visitors and residents can sign up to take a homeless dog out for the day from the Maui Humane Society animal shelter. The shelter is easy to find as it is conveniently located […]

Slack Key Guitar Concerts

All Saints Church 1065 Kuhio Highway, Kapa`a, HI, United States

Wednesday Evenings: Slack Key Guitar Concerts.  Traditional Hawaiian slack key guitar and `ukulele concerts.  March 6 – Whales Homecoming; March 13 – Hawai`i’s Sunset Music; March 20 – Kaua`i’s Slack Key; March 27 – Sweet Hawai`i Dreams. Award winning traditional Hawaiian slack key guitar and ukulele concerts featuring songs and stories telling its history.  Tickets […]

Free – $25

Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Concert

Napili Kai Beach Resort 5900 Lower Honoapiilani Road, Lahaina, HI, United States

Every Wednesday:  Masters of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Concert.  Enjoy renowned slack key masters who are true ambassadors of their music, their culture and their land for an evening of traditional Hawaiian songs and authentic “talk-story”.  March 6 – Led Ka`apana; March 13 – Stephen Inglis; March 20 – Kevin Brown; March 27 – Ken […]

Weekly Hula Shows

National Tropical Botanical Garden South Shore Visitors Center 4425 Lawai Rd., Koloa, HI, United States

Thursday Afternoons: Weekly Hula Shows.  See traditional hula shows highlighting wahi pane (sacred places) of Kaua`i along with intriguing stories of the Hawaiian people and their connections with the gardens.  Dancers will be accompanied by live Hawaiian Music.  National Tropical Botanical Garden, South Shore Visitors Center, 4425 Lawai Rd., Koloa (across from Spouting Horn). 2 […]


Honolulu Festival Looking Back to Create the Future: 25 Years of Aloha

Friday – Sunday, March 8 – 10: Honolulu Festival - Looking Back to Create the Future: 25 Years of Aloha.  The festival will feature crafts, arts, exhibits, parade, special presentations, music, dance, fireworks show on Sunday, stage performances and much more, including a Grand Parade on Sunday at 4:30 p.m., which starts at Saratoga Rd. […]

Hula Kahiko Performance

Volcano Art Center Gallery Crater Rim Drive, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, HI, United States

Saturday, March 9: Hula Kahiko Performance. Hula halau from across Hawai`i and beyond perform in a one-of-a-kind outdoor setting at the kahua hula (platform) in the Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, located just a short walking distance from the Volcano Art Gallery in Ka`auea. 10:30 a.m.  Audience members are encouraged to bring sun/rain gear and sitting […]