Hawai`i Opera Theatre (HOT) Presents Previn’s A Streetcar Named Desire
Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday, January 27, 29 & 31:
Hawai`i Opera Theatre (HOT) Presents Previn’s A Streetcar Named Desire. Set in New Orleans in the 1940s, Blanche DuBois arrives at the home of her sister, Stella, and husband, Stanley Kowalski after suffering the loss of her ancestral home and job. Skeptical of the story, Stanley grows infuriated by Blanche losing his wife’s birthright, and sets out to reveal the truth behind the circumstance. The conflict between the two unfolds with tragic and violent consequences. Blaisdell Concert Hall, 777 Ward Ave., Honolulu. Friday, 8 p.m.; Sunday 4 p.m.; Tuesday, 7 p.m. For tickets and information call (808) 596-7858 or visit http://www.hawaiiopera.org/.