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Koloa School

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3223 Poipu Rd
Koloa, HI United States

July 2018

Historic Koloa Plantation Days Parade

July 28, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Koloa School, 3223 Poipu Rd
Koloa, HI United States
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Saturday, July 28: Historic Koloa Plantation Days Parade.  Horseback and walking units, floral floats, vintage cars, and decorated vehicles are in this hometown parade that celebrates aspects of the workers’ camps in plantation towns. Each camp had its ethnic identity, customs, foods, games and sports, music and dance. Competition for parade awards is intense and people from the resorts, businesses and community groups are very creative, so expect the unexpected. From costumes to decorations and choreography, they work for weeks…

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